Category: SAILS

E-learning in Greece during the pandemic

E-learning in Greece during the pandemic illustration e-learning

COVID-19 has resulted in schools shut all across the world. The education system had to pass into a digital era suddenly in order to ensure a continuity in education. The Ministry of Education and Religious Affairs (MofERA) in Greece tried to respond to the challenge of school closures by launching digital tools that enabled distance […]

Our risk mitigation approach and new research

Our risk mitigation approach and new research child with tablet

In the past few months, several research papers were published that clearly verify the risk mitigation approach implemented in SAILS. They underline that the only way to learn sailing safe online is to actually do it, and the more children use digital tools and social media the more confident and resilient they become. It is […]

Instalab, a fake online social network to promote the proper use of social media

Instalab, a fake online social network to promote the proper use of social media Instalab Homepage

One of the goals of the Erasmus+ SAILS project is to develop Instalab, a fake online social network that serves as a sandbox to reproduce interesting scenarios that can occur when using social media. Since there are no real people behind the content of this social network, it is possible to safely recreate problematic or […]

Peer-to-peer and role model methodologies: breaking down barriers between adults’ digital reality and children’s digital reality

Peer-to-peer and role model methodologies: breaking down barriers between adults’ digital reality and children’s digital reality Endingproject Logo

The use of the Internet and information and communication technologies by children, as happened at other times in history with other media such as television, is a constant concern for adult society, which on too many occasions can lead to unjustified panic, negatively affecting the well-being of minors as individuals subject to rights. The adult […]

What are the most important issues of European school heads concerning digitalization?

At the final conference of the second year of the European Education Policy Network on Teachers and School Leaders (EEPN), in Barcelona, ESHA had the opportunity to ask school leaders, and other educational professionals present how digitalization impacts their professional life, and what are the most important issues they need support with. The input we […]

The EU Kids Online Research Network evidence on Spanish and European Families and Children Digital Experiences

The EU Kids Online Research Network evidence on Spanish and European Families and Children Digital Experiences Logomark1 Horizontal Cmyk[5]

The European research network EU Kids Online (EC’s Better Internet for Kids), is currently comprised by 34 countries. Since its creation in 2006 this research network has contributed with a solid base of empirical evidence to enhance knowledge of the European children´s online opportunities, risks and safety. Given the accumulated expertise of the network and […]

Sails Workshop on Digital Identity in the “Science and Technology in feminine” event

Sails Workshop on Digital Identity in the “Science and Technology in feminine” event Pexels Monstera 5063442

On the 26th, 27th and 28th of October 2021, the “Science and Technology in feminine” event was held in the network of Basque Technological and Scientific Parks. A series of events organized by APTE (the Association of Scientific and Technological Parks in Spain) aimed at promoting scientific and technological vocations among girls. During these days, […]

New roles and competences for teachers and school leaders in the digital age

New roles and competences for teachers and school leaders in the digital age Eepn Logo[1]

Policy recommendations 2021 The European Education Policy Network on Teachers and School Leaders is a Europe-wide network of relevant organisations (policymakers, practitioners, researchers and stakeholders) to promote co-operation, policy development and implementation at different governance levels, and to support the European Commission’s policy work on teachers and school leaders. This network is building on existing […]

Teach them to sail

Teach them to sail Thumbnail Image002

Teach them to sail, you won’t to keep them in the harbour anyway We have chosen to explain why it is important that the SAILS consortium has decided to implement a risk mitigation approach to online safety in the first entry to our project blog. In the view of Parents International, the author of this […]